From Vintage to Vogue Part II.


From Vintage to Vogue Part II.

As the journey progresses, a transformation unfolds, catapulting the viewer into the present with a bold explosion of color and form. The modern segment reveals a dynamic, high-energy lifestyle through striking contrasts, futuristic silhouettes, and innovative materials. The ginger model stands at the forefront of this transition, her hair a vibrant beacon amidst the changing landscapes of fashion. Through the use of diverse styles, colors, and photographic techniques, the editorial captures the essence of contemporary life - vibrant, multifaceted, and ever-changing.

This photoshoot is more than a showcase of fashion; it's an exploration of life's different moods and moments, from the reflective tranquility of the past to the effervescent buzz of the modern day. Through the lens of style, it celebrates the diverse ways we live and express ourselves, with our ginger model serving as the perfect muse for this rich tapestry of life.


photograph : @misha_yeung

makeup & hair: Anna Ivanova

model: Krysha

location : Shanghai

Misha Yeung

Instagram / @misha_yeung

From Vintage to Vogue Part I